15 Local Marketing Ideas to Boost Your Business

Keep reading to learn 15 unique ways to effectively promote your local business, grow your customer base, and improve your revenue numbers. 1. List Your Business in Local Directories Before the internet, most people discovered new businesses via the Yellow Pages. These days, people simply pull out their phones and search the web for local restaurants, shops, and service providers to patronize.

SMS Marketing: 7 Tips to Promote Your Small Business Via Text Message

Keep reading to learn what SMS marketing is and why it’s beneficial to small businesses like yours, and seven tips you can use to improve your SMS marketing efforts. What is SMS Marketing? According to SlickText, SMS marketing, also known as text message marketing, is: “A method by which businesses and organizations send out specials, coupons, promotions, alerts, and more via highly targeted, permission-based, opt-in text messages.

Your Guide to Content Curation in 2020

But constant content creation is hard. If you’re having a tough time producing original content pieces at a consistent clip, it may be time to invest in content curation. What is Content Curation? Content curation is the act of finding, packaging, and sharing relevant digital content with a specific demographic of people.

4 Tips to Help You Effectively Market Your Business During the Pandemic

We want to help! That’s why we’ve created this quick article about how to effectively market your business during the pandemic. The four tips below will help you navigate these uncertain times and put your business in a position to succeed. Now is Not the Time to Stop Marketing Tempting as it may be, now is NOT the time to pull your company’s marketing budget.

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